Sundhed - Bioteknologi

2cureX is a leader in cancer drug sensitivity testing and has developed the IndiTreat® (Individual Treatment) family of tests – first products being rolled-out in Europe for colorectal cancer patients. The total yearly expenditure in cancer-related In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) tests exceeds 17.5Bn USD worldwide, from which 2.5 Bn USD are tests directly related to therapy decision making, with a CAGR of 12.7%. Despite this, only one third of all cancer treatments are supported by such tests. IndiTreat® aims at filling this gap and make Precision Oncology available to all cancer patients.

Ole Thastrup, CSO & Founder, 2cureX
Fernando Andreu, CEO, 2cureX

Knæk Cancer: Kræftforskning i fokus

Et dansk selskab slår dem alle i størrelse, når det handler om kræftforskning. Men sådan har det ikke altid været. Se vores to tema-udsendelser i anledning af Knæk Cancer-ugen, og få et indblik i de mange selskaber, der ...
27. oktober 2023
Sponsoreret indhold

Mød selskabet: 2cureX

Se selskabspræsentationen med CEO Fernando Andreu CSO Ole Thastrup.
19. november 2021