Webinar med det amerikanske biotekselskab Cel-Sci
Det er lykkedes DAF Nordsjælland i samarbejde med Dansk Aktionærforening at arrangere et webinar med Cel-Sci - et amerikanske biotek selskab. Cel-Sci arbejder med immunterapi. Cel-Sci's hypotese har hele tiden været, at behandling med immun terapi før operation, stråler eller kemoterapi vil styrke kroppens naturlige immun forsvar. Og det er præcis, hvad der sker, når kemoterapi undgås.
Cel-Sci's vigtigste produkt er Multikine® (Leukocyte Interleukin, Injection). Du kan læse mere om Cel-Sci, deres immun terapi og Multikine på hjemmesiden www.cel-sci.com. Cel-Sci aktien handles på NYSE /New York Stock Exchange med ticker koden CVM.
På webinaret vil Cel-Sci være repræsenteret af CEO Geert Kersten, CSO Dr. Eyal Talor og acting CMO Dr. Selvaggi, som allerede har bragt adskillige cancer præparater på markedet. Du finder CV'er på hjemmesiden for hele ledelsen samt mere om Multikine og de forsøg, som er gennemført.
Bemærk webinaret vil være på engelsk.
Cel-Sci har sendt denne korte beskrivelse om firmaet og deres immunterapeutiske middel:
CEL-SCI Corporation (NYSE: CVM) is a US-based biotechnology company that believes that boosting a cancer patient’s immune system before surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have destroyed it. This should provide the greatest possible impact on survival and, in fact, that is what has happened, as long as chemotherapy was avoided.
In our 928-patient Phase 3 head and neck cancer study we showed a nearly 4-year survival benefit in patients who were treated with our Multikine immunotherapy followed by surgery and radiotherapy, but when chemotherapy was added, there was no survival benefit. Based on strong safety and efficacy data in our target population, the FDA gave the go-ahead for a 212-patient confirmatory registration study in 2024. This study focuses on the patients with the best survival and is meant to be the final marketing study.
In the target population for the confirmatory study, Multikine significantly extended survival demonstrating a 73% survival rate with Multikine vs. only 45% without at 5 years after treatment (p=0.0015). The Hazard Ratio for this population is 0.35 (a 65% reduction in the chance of death) with an upper limit of 0.66. Statistically this final marketing study is over 95% likely to be successful.
The Company has operations in the US near Washington, DC.
Tidsplan (ca tider):
18:00 - 18:05 Velkommen ved Anders Nørskov, formand DAF Nordsjælland
18:05 - 18:30 Kort præsentation af Cel-Sci og Multikine forsøgene
CEO Kersten, CSO Dr. Talor, acting CMO Dr. Selvaggi
18:30 - 19:00 Spørgsmål
19:00 Tak for i aften v/Anders Nørskov
Deltagere i webinaret vil modtage link senest kl 16 d. 18. februar (to timer før webinaret)

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